Helping Rwanda's Children | Terra Incognita Ecotours

Helping Rwanda's Children

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On our last Rwanda trip in September, many of the group were so moved by their experience they asked what they can do to help the kids we met around the Virunga Lodge where we stayed. Many of these children attend Primary/Elementary School as that is required by the Government, but High School is elective and costs money, so many bright children do not continue their education as they simply cannot afford to.

Terra Incognita Ecotours / Ged Caddick have been sponsorin

g three children through High School, covering their fees and uniform costs etc. Well, many in the group wanted to do the same; they asked about each sponsoring a specific child. Long story short, on an upcoming trip, Ged is carrying over some $3,000 to sponsor about 8 kids through a year of High School; each sponsor will be connected to their child and then be responsible for next year’s fees.


The photos show some of the kids dancing for the group; Chad Robertson who was the first sponsor to join Ged in this endeavor, shown with Fabian, whom he supports (Fabien has on the blue sweater and Chad the black sweater); and a “film” poster that Chad made for Terra Incognita. We posted it on Facebook and one of our biggest fans, David Bančić, wrote: “Very appropriately designed; when traveling with Terra Incognita, it's easy to feel as if you and everyone around you are characters in an exciting adventure film.”

We will give a full report on how things go and have more photos of the children when Ged returns from this Rwanda experience.